Still have questions? Use this page to explore our FAQ to give you the answers you need. Please contact us if you wish to know more or have a specific question you’d like us to answer.
We are based in Ipswich, Suffolk but will cover the whole of East Anglia.
The images can be gathered any time of the day but for a better result we reccommend taking them out of business hours. This prevents people/customers attending your business and being caught in the photo. It also gives you the opportunity to dress the premises with any items you'd like to be included in the tour.
Our bespoke tours can incorporate almost any type of media including but not limited to, photographs, videos, web links, PDF documents, YouTube video, web pages. Take a look at the areas of business page for more details.
The initial gathering of 360 images could take between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending of the size of the premises. The building of the tour will take between 1 and 3 weeks depending on its complexity.
Yes, changes are free for 30 days after payment. Additional charges may apply beyond this point.